Saturday, September 02, 2006


What's with the postings on shoes you might ask?

Well like any girl, I love love love shoes! And while traipsing around the Zara store in Glorietta, i happened to see black booties! Nope, not the kind babies wear silly! But ankle length boots that I can best imagine worn with black opaque tights, a dress, an oversized cardigan, and a big slouchy bag! Perfect for the chilly season!

Given how Filipinos love wearing what's hot, never mind if the weather ain't exactly cool, I think wearing booties in Manila will be a more practical and logical choice. Now if you've got lots of moolah to fork out, then spend it on these babies from Christian Louboutin. Its available through the Neiman Marcus website and will set you back, oh just about $925...

Now if you're on the practical side, here are booties from Steve Madden that actually remind me of Louboutin Bruges because of the wooden stacked heel. These retail for $167 and are available through the Bloomingdales website...

But then again, there is always reliable Nine West, and you can get a pair of booties for only $99 smackeroos!!! Now if you just wait a few months, then these honeys will go for much less!!!

But who says booties have to come in black? And have to be worn with a dress? Kate Moss doesn't think so...

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