Yes, the same outfit I wore during Berry's 1st Monthsary! See?

I basically have a uniform these days:
- blue marinière striped shirt
- striped button down shirt
- jeans
- breastfeeding friendly dress
- ballet flats, sandals, or canvas sneakers
So I have a lot of clothes and shoes that haven't really seen the light of day. I am actually planning to put some up on ebay. This also made me realize, I don't really need a lot of clothes. And that, my shopping habits really need to be curtailed. As my Mom and my sister have deftly pointed out, I can't seem to walk out of a store without buying something. The allusions to Becky Bloomwood, by friends and family, aren't exactly flattering either.
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Shopaholic Ties the Knot
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
Shopaholic and Baby
Yeah, story of my life! I am not that extreme though! At least I don't go into debt and I still spend below my means. But yeah, I see what they mean...But see, it's like clothes and shoes talk to me, asking me to bring them home. Hahaha!
Oh! And the oft repeated advice "Sleep on it!" and my favorite well-used excuse "It's a closet classic!" have been used to death, it hardly means anything anymore.
Everything I like when I go online or see up close when I'm out, I always can't stop thinking about, and often haunt me the next day. All the things that I like, really are closet classics, but don't suit the lifestyle I have right now. What are heels for? Or nice bags for? When I hardly have any place fancy to go to? Besides, who really wears heels in the city? Those who go around in Town Cars or don't have to walk more than a couple of blocks at the most.
So I decided to put myself to a challenge. No shopping for myself! Until the year ends!
I will document it here and share with you the trials and travails I will go through as I resist the urge to buy, consume and spend. Then again, it might not be that hard to resist, and could be fun and easy too! I mean, once I get over that hump of walking away from something I absolutely have to have, then maybe it will be easy to walk away again and again.
I'll keep on writing about interesting stuff for the blog, to make it doubly hard. And to add a bit of a curve ball to the challenge. Let's see if I will last until December 31, 2009! ;)