good luck with your shopping ban! :-)
i really enjoy reading your blog especially now with your daughter and all the things that come with motherhood!
i am now pregnant with our 2nd baby and just want to ask you if there were any particular skin/hair care products you used during your pregnancy that were very good?
thanks! - jcd
Thanks so much too jcd! I am happy to provide entertainment and share info, heehee. I am so sorry for the delayed reply! The good news is, basically, I just used regular stuff. For my hair, I washed it with Johnson's Baby shampoo, the lavander scented one, because I wanted something mild, without the overpowering smell of "adult" shampoos - my sense of smell heightened by the pregnancy and all....

Post-pregnancy, I've been using this Lauat shampoo from Foliaged that my mom brought with her from Manila. It's meant to combat falling hair, and we all know how postpartum hair loss can be such a bummer. I've noticed that ever since I used this, the amount of hair in our tub has considerably lessened. I particularly love how it smells of gugo. I am not sure where my mom got this, but apparently, it's available in Mercury Drugstore (Thanks Ms. Chelle!)! Btw, when I feel like my hair needs some moisture, I use L'Occitane conditioner for dry and damaged hair. I don't really condition my hair regularly. Only when it feels dry.
These days, I also don't shampoo daily. I use Oscar Blandi Dry Hair shampoo in between washings.

Oh, and I used and continue to use Cetaphil for my face.
For bathing, I use Safeguard. Before, during and after pregnancy just because when I was in college, Kim, a friend who was a Bio Major in UP, told me that they did the Safeguard microscope test in class and it was true that Safeguard was effective in killing 99% of germs/bacteria! Ever since then, it was Safeguard forever for me! (I do use body scrubs once in a while, but not while I was pregnant. I wanted to limit the use of "chemicals" back then.)

My family is lucky that we don't get stretch marks but I figured, might as well use this. My friend Mary Anne gave me enough Palmer's to last the entire pregnancy and I just used it anyway! I think it's pretty effective given that I never got an itchy belly all throughout my pregnancy, even during the peak of winter when skin tends to dry out.

Nothing fancy really, just regular stuff that work well. Hope this helps! =)