Friday, August 31, 2007

The Buzz on Gossip Girl

I must admit, I am super looking forward to the September 19 premier of Gossip Girl, said to be the East Coast's answer to the OC. I seriously doubt this claim, and the O.C. creator Josh Schwartz, apparently thinks so too, as he tells The New York Observer -- “But they’re very different shows. Orange County is kind of a bubble. It’s a very sort of staid suburban enclave with a lot of new money. While these kids on the Upper East Side are incredibly well-traveled, well-read, worried about competing for their futures from the time they could get into the elite nursery school. There’s just a different level of pressure and focus on the future.”

If there's one thing this series has in common with the OC, it has got to boil down to the casts' wardrobe! Because for sure, a lot of us will be watching each episode to see what the girls and guys are wearing! And since the show is set in NYC, think of it as a younger "Sex and the City" yes?

When I first read this book from my sister's "library", I was just looking for something to read to kill time. You know, fluff between the ears. But I found myself hooked, and basically curious about what Serena, Blair, Nate, Dan and Jenny were up to next, if you know what I mean.

If you're curious about what Gossip Girl is all about, here's an excerpt from Sara Vilkomerson's article from The New York Observer:

The show takes some of the typical issues of high school—the backstabbing best friend, the pretty freshman girl who gets plied with liquor and taken advantage of by an upper-classman, the friction between angst-filled teenagers and parents dealing with divorce—and places them in a universe inhabited by a privileged few. The heady combination of the familiar mixed with the lusted-after moneyed unknown is intoxicating, fantastical and utterly riveting (helped along by the razor-sharp and almost absurd dialogue that made Mr. Schwartz famous: “You’ll never be more beautiful or thin or happy than you are right now. I just want you to make the most of it,” says one of the Gossip Girl’s mothers. A school dance demands couture; an after-school snack is a rustled up, off-menu grilled cheese with truffle oil. Parents are just as beautiful as their children, even if their private lives are elegant disasters. (“So my dad left her for another man,” shrugs one character. “She lost 15 pounds and got an eye-lift. It’s good for her.”) Instead of sneaking beers, the kids of Gossip Girl drink martinis at the New York Palace Hotel bar, like when Serena (who is living there while her town house is being renovated) and former bestie-turned-nemesis Blair meet to attempt a rapprochement (“I miss you. I just want things to go back the way they used to be. You know: walking to school together, dancing on tables at Bungalow, night-swimming at your mom’s country house”).

Interesting, scandalous, and quite fascinating don't you think?

(The show is based on Cecily von Ziegesar's best-selling series of the same title and narrated by Veronica Mars’ Kristin Bell, photos from

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