I couldn't believe my luck when Chuvaness herself invited me to drop by for the dry run/food tasting at Pepper Lunch! I must say! It was a happy tummy day! I had the Tokusen Rib Eye steak (as suggested by Ingrid aka The Baghag) and it was sooooo yummy! The vegetables were fresh and crisp, my steak was tender and juicy and I had it just the way I like it! Because it's DIY (as the tagline says, "Sizzle it your way!")! Hehehe! What tops the expectation of a delicious meal, is the fact that the food arrived super duper fast!
I almost forgot to take photos of my Tokusen Rib Eye, and my SIL Lorr's Hitokuchi because I was ready to attack my hot iron plate! Hahaha! But don't worry, I'll post photos soon enough! As soon as I find my USB cord gosh darn it (I packed everything but that! Jeez!)! While I was busy taking photos, Jeroen (Cecile's husband, and her partner in Pepper Lunch) noticed that I wasn't spreading the butter over the steak, so he rushed to our table and taught us the importance of spreading the butter and turning the beef over right away so that it won't get overcooked! Oops! He also suggested mixing the Amakuchi (Garlic Soy Sauce) and Karakuchi (Honey Brown Sauce) together. Which true enough made a great combination!
Apart from the fun of "sizzling" my own dish, I liked it that the food stays hot longer, because it's served on a patented electromagnetic dish. The last thing I want is my steak to go all greasy on me (then again maybe I just eat slow) so this was really a great dining experience. It's the perfect welcome meal after being away from home for a good number of months! This is the stuff that cravings are made of!
It was also great meeting my "online buddies" Cecile and Grace for the first time. Cecile even took my picture for her Manila Street Fashion blog Manila Style! See here. Heehee!
Thanks so much to the Van Stratens for being so warm and friendly, and for inviting me to Pepper Lunch! I'm definitely going back with the whole family soon!
Pepper Lunch is located at the Concourse Level/Food Court of Powerplant Mall (across Rustans Fresh)
(Photo from Chuvaness)
thanks for coming over. hope to see you again with grace.
Wow! The food looks great.
heyyyy......tinnn i didnt know ur in manila whahahaha.
Thanks again Cecile! Hope to see you and Grace again too! =)
Yup! The food tastes great too Cathy! =)
Pat! Yes! I'm here hehe! Are you in the midst of your Euro trip or are you still in NY?
CD, I have an off-white polo that looks exactly like yours (Indian linen from Banana Rep from a couple of seasons ago). And I pair it with khaki too. Such a fresh look you're sporting. I tried Pepper Lunch twice in Singapore, and it was memorable. I'd definitely have it again in Rockwell.
I was surprised to see your photo on Manila Style and Chuvaness. I did'nt realize you were going home along with all the shop stop goodies.
Hope you're having fun. All they hype about the steak has been making me hungry.
Maybe when you get back the Knittymommy and MFO can go on food hunt in NYC. Or a fashion consult maybe?
Hi Vanessa! Hehehe thanks! But mine's a poor relation of your shirt - it's Old Navy! Heehee! Hopefully it will last long because I love it! Yes, definitely try out Pepper Lunch here! I'm planning to go back there next week! I'm already craving for it! =)
Yes Knittymommy! I brought everything with me! Except my own clothes, and my camera USB hahaha! Oh my! I hope they have Pepper Lunch in the East Coast soon! It's so good! And yes! Let's meet up when I get back!!! =)
i saw you on chuvaness!! you look fantastic! i hope you are having a great trip home. if you go shopping while you are home , it would be a fabulous treat if you share your finds with all of us. :D
nice meeting you, tintin!! let's meet up again soon :)
Thanks rz! I will definitely do that! =) I have photos of Greenbelt 5 too! Will post photos as soon as I get my hands on my camera's USB! =)
Yes grace! I would like that! =)
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