Sunday, June 14, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Thanks to MFO's dear readers who submitted entries to our MFO+Envirosax Father's Day Giveaway!

Here's Berry (who is now 39 Weeks young!) and I, about to draw the winner...

Congratulations Jessica! I sent you a congratulatory email, hope you get back to us ASAP so that Katy of Envirosax can ship the bags to you right on time for Father's Day!

To those who missed the contest, as my site meter tells me, I know weekends are meant for being out and about and not for staying at home and surfing the net, but isn't this good reason to read MFO on weekends? Heehee!


Anonymous said...

mfo, you look prettier in your short hair...

pretty mama!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice haircut Tin!

Conchita said...

awww... you got a mommy haircut already! cute!

berry, come out na... we want to see you already!

Pau said...

Daaang I missed the contest, too bad! Haha congrats to the lucky winner! :) Looking great Christine! :)

cd_mfo said...

Awwww, thanks Anon, Mieke, Cons & Pau!!! =)

kaye i. said...

I was hoping a new picture of you holding Berry will pop up in front of me everytime I visit your blog. Today I was like, "Oh, nope... she's still pregnant". LOL.

Anonymous said...

ooh you got a haircut!!! nice :)

cd_mfo said...

Haha! Yup! The Berry is still in my Tummy! I can't wait too, should by any day now =)

Heehee! Thanks Grace! I like your bangs better though! Got a Japanese hair stylist to cut my hair too, but not the same level as yours!

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