Berry is my daughter, and an assistant editor here at MFO. Today, she shares her beauty secrets. Read on and learn from an expert.
On Berry: H&M top from Ninang Cathy & Ninong Jon Lim, Gingersnaps jeans from Ate Carissa Carale,
Robeez shoes from Liam Palma
Playing with: Dada's lens cover and a Christmas mitten for a Starbucks gift card - fits my hand perfectly!
Working for my Mom, I get a lot of beauty products. Or maybe it's not because of my work - a lot of the beauty products I've been using were received as gifts when I was born. Over time, I have continued to receive beauty products, which I use, of course.
I have been using Mustela ever since I was a newborn. When I was still in my Mommy's tummy, Tita Sarj pointed out Mustela to her, while they were browsing the aisles at Buy Buy Baby in Chelsea. She said it was the best for babies (hypoallergenic, non-irritating, fragrance-free, paraben-free and with no artificial colorants), so Mom added a starter set to her baby registry. Uncle Apoorv and Aunt Chinmayee got a set for me, and while those goodies have since run out, my Mom continues to buy Mustela bath products for me. I heard that its best to switch shampoos around, so I interchange my Mustela Baby Shampoo with Santa Maria Novella Girl's Mild Shampoo, a present from Tita Therese of Rustan's. I love the smell of Mustela 2-in-1 Hair & Body Wash, they say I smell like a baby because of this. Then again, Mom says I am still a baby. Well, whatever.
I don't go to the salon for hair cuts. My hair grows at an incredibly, snail-pacingly slow pace, so I don't see a need for that yet. Last I had a hair cut, I cried and cried. My Mom cut my hair, and when my Aunt Lorraine couldn't keep me from squirming, they exchanged places and Mom hugged me while Auntie finished the job. My Dada says I look beautiful with a pixie cut, and Mom and Dada call me Berry Mulligan.
My Auntie Brenda works at L'Oreal so I got a lot of Kiehl's from her too. I love Kiehl's Baby Foaming Hair & Body Wash, but we've run out of that and it's so expensive here in Singapore. So much cheaper in the US, promise! I still use Kiehl's Vital Sun Protection, Diaper Rash Ointment and Nurturing Baby Cream for Face & Body. I also use Kiehl's Baby Lip Balm (because I love using my Mom's lip balms and poking my finger into it until they get mushed, so she says I should have my own lip balm).
After I take a bath, I powder with Burt's Bees Baby Bee Dusting Powder or Santa Maria Novella's Talbomentolo. I like the latter because it smells soooo good! I switch my powders around too, depending on what my mom wants to use on me. For my boo boos, I use Grandma Minnie's Boo Boo Balm from Tita Marie of VMV. One of my first words was "boo boo", and every time I see a pot of Grandma Minnie's Boo Boo Balm, I point to my knee and say boo boo, even if there's no boo boo there. Old habits die hard.
Which reminds me, Grandma Minnie also has the Monolaurin Hand Sanitizer which is fantastic! My mom is sort of obsessed with sanitizers, we use that a lot. There was a time though that I caught a bug and got colds. My pediatrician here in Singapore introduced Vapor Soove to us, she says this is safer to use - it doesn't contain camphor unlike regular Vapor Rub which may cause seizures on children, for serious. My Mom and I love Vapor Soove so much that we are bringing these to Manila! I like it as a tummy and chest rub, and when I had cough & colds, Mom would also rub these onto the soles of my feet and make me wear socks. My mom is talking to her friend Tita Angel who is a pediatrician, and she will be carrying these in her clinic. We are also looking into having these sold online, in baby stores, and drugstores. So watch out for this!
Now, when it comes to scents, my mom sprays a bit of Tartine et Chocolat on me, this was a gift from my Tita Trina, Mom's sister. I really consider myself lucky and so blessed because I get to try all these wonderful, amazing beauty products courtesy of my generous benefactors!
- as told to ITG, according to Mommy
UPDATE: OMG! Emily of Into The Gloss / @IntoTheGloss read Berry's post and re-tweeted it too! Thanks Emily! Yay Berry!
Great post, Berry! Thanks for sharing your tips. I love Kiehl's lip balm too! :)
Most adorable post ever! Thanks for the tips! Been stocking up on baby items but never considered Kiehl's till now.
So cute! :)
Berry is so adorable!
CUTENESS, mygoodness. Haha :)
Love "Berry Mulligan!" Maybe she should get a Cambridge Satchel, too, a la "An Education"? :)
Mustela is the best for babies. My daughter loves the teddy on the bottles and tubes, he's so cute ^____^
Check out my blog also, I've started to do a monthly giveaway!
Oh Berry! You are my Suri Cruise. I will stop stalking Suri Cruise if you blog more. Haha! =)
Oh, and thank you for the tip about switching shampoos around. I did not know that! =P
Awww, thanks so much Titas! I appreciate all your sweet comments! I will tell Mom to let me blog more! Love, Berry
Hi! Where do you buy Burt's Bees dusting powder? I can't seem to find this in Beauty Bar. Thanks.
We bought it in the US, it's also available on Amazon!
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