Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meeting Florence

I finally got to road test Anthology's freshly released gum-soled oxfords, Florence. And my verdict? The leather is soft as soft can be. As in ballet flats soft. I got confused, I swear. How does it look so sturdy and so structured and be as soft as this? And the gum soles, hello? Is there a Nike Air Sole inside or somethin somethin? Did Anthology just pirate a sneaker engineer off Nike to get this gum sole thing going?

But before I show you more pics, let's indulge Berry. She saw me taking a photo of my shoes and she wanted in on the action too:

Now, back to the shoe:

I like that it's clunky and a bit chunky. But not too out there. This one is timeless. A bit more casual than the usual all leather oxfords, I think this is going to look great with shorts too! Yesterday, I wore it with skinny jeans. To offset the chunkiness.

Since I was out anyway, waiting for Berry's playschool class to end, I decided to pop by Zara so I can show you how these shoes look like with black trousers. You can style it in a trendy way with the cuffs rolled up...

Or you can do full on androgynous with the shirt fully buttoned up to the neck, and the pants worn the usual way. If my shirt were fitted, I probably would blend right in with the other dudes at Pitti Uomo!

shirt: Equipment, pants: Zara, shoes: Anthology

Each pair costs Php 3995 and currently available at Anthem Rockwell, Anthem Shangri-La, Anthem GB5 and at

For inquiries or orders, email or contact 0917-89-ANTHO (26846).


Lorsee said...

Love your style! Sooo Alexa Chung

ceaceacea said...

this outfit screams my name! gaaah... love those shoes!

Anonymous said...

i love! is there a way I can this shoes ms tin in singapore?

cd_mfo said...

Thank you Lorsee! =)

Get one too, cea! =)

Hi! Check out Blackmarket No.2 or you may also email about shipping them to you!

Maria said...

Wooooow!! Your shoes really looks comfy. The black shoes, I think, will fit on all types of clothes' color. :)

Issa said...

wow! i love your shoes! very pretty and i love your style! :)

TwistedHalo said...

Hi Tin,

Just had to ask: is there a technique/rule in rolling the cuffs? I never look quite as chic as you when I try it haha!

thepinkmateproject said...

i love the anthology shoes!

AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

aww i wish my son was like berry! hoping he wants outfit shots haha!:) love the anthology shoes!

Aïssa said...

Great, great shoes which perfectly complement your outfits!

cd_mfo said...

Yes! It's very versatile teen-teen!

Thank you Issa! =)

TwistedHalo, Heehee, I think the secret is to fold it about an inch thick, no thicker than that. Otherwise the effect is different!

It is love, pinkmate =)

Aïssa! Bonjour! I love your blog so your comment is a pleasant surprise! Thanks for visiting mine! =)

Anonymous said...

wow! i love your outfit :)
and the shoes.. really looks comfy!

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