Sunday, August 14, 2011

MFO Anniversary Blog Giveaway: 5 Cambridge Satchels

Back in 2009, I came across Cambridge Satchels. My friend Naomi, who was based in the UK at the time said it was the biggest time thing to hit the streets there. By 2010, I saw the satchels over at Tommy Ton's blog Jak&Jil and by July 2010 I blogged about it. I know, it took me a while to share, because the Philippines was so designer bag crazy then.  But by 2010, there was no denying these colorful satchels were going to take the world by storm. You all just had to know about this! You probably read about it in this blog first! ;)

Around the time I blogged about it, Naomi was also talking to Cambridge Satchel about having their old school satchels brought to the Philippines. It took months to produce and ship, but they finally made their way to schu! With help from influential friends in the blogging community, they just simply burst into the scene and schu was flooded with orders!

These days, as predicted, they have become a hot commodity the world over that The Cambridge Satchel Co. just can't make enough of them to satisfy everyone. It requires a lot of patience to get your hand on one of these babies. The wait can really be a challenge!

Then again, you are an MFO reader and being an MFO reader has its advantages. I coordinated way in advance with our friends at chocolate schubar, so that 5 of you (in celebration of our 5 years) will get to win 1 Cambridge Satchel each to call your own!

Now, don't you feel special? :) If you would like to win a Cambridge Satchel, here's how:

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

- How did you discover MFO?
- How long have you been reading MFO?
- What do you like about the blog?
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!

*If you would prefer to enter the giveaway via private email to me, do all of the above and send an email to with the title: MFO Cambridge Satchel Giveaway and leave a comment on this post saying, "MFO, you've got mail!"

General Rules: 
- Shipping within the Philippines only
- Giveaway is for the whole month of August 2011
- Giveaway closes on 11:59 pm on August 31, 2011
- Winner will be announced by 1st week of September on MFO and via private e-mail
- Anyone can enter for a chance to win any of the Anniversary Blog Giveaway prizes, but can only win once
- No need to send multiple comments or emails per Anniversary Blog Giveaway prize. One entry per prize is sufficient


1 – 200 of 213   Newer›   Newest»
Lloyda said...

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter - follower already :)

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook - liked before pa

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

twitter id: sweetcandylove
email: fashionistafortunecookie at gmail

- How did you discover MFO? How long have you been reading MFO?
I can't remember how I discovered MFO but I've been reading MFO way before you moved to NY. I remember you talking about enrolling to a short fashion course. :)

- What do you like about the blog?
I love how I get informations about a lot of things here. And always new discoveries!!!!

kisses & hugs to berry from eli! :)

Racquell said...

MFO, you've got mail!

the undomestic goddess said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

Duna said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Cat said...

Not open to international readers? nooo :((

Jonna said...

MFO you've got a mail!!
Http:// said...

MFO, you've got mail! (

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

( :)

Who's the Sales Lady? said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

You've got mail! :)

Michelle G said...

MFO, you've got mail!

mara said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter id: maratutay

Meg said...

MFO, you've got mail!

TwistedHalo said...

Hi Tin! Happy Anniversary!

- How did you discover MFO?

It's been so long I can't remember. I think I surfed into your blog after clicking a link in another blog - sorry, so vague! :)

- How long have you been reading MFO?

Around three years I guess? I was reading nung blogspot pa sya and you haven't joined hubby in the US. :)

- What do you like about the blog?

I like the updates and promos. I love that the fashion you feature is more wearable and accessible.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!

I'm not 100% sure but I always see you in pants in your blog. Do you wear skirts/dresses too? :)
pinktwistedhalo [at] gmail [dot] com

ceemee said...

FB email:

I discovered MFO when I discovered Grandma's secret spot remover while surfing the Net. I have been reading MFO for almost a year now and I like that the topics on fashion include kids' as well. Raising a kid in SG (or any other place than PH), how advantageous do you think it is? Thanks!

LegallyChef said...

- How did you discover MFO?
- How long have you been reading MFO?

I was there when it started! You probably posted stuff from my computer too! And highly probable that I commented first.

- What do you like about the blog?
I like that you feature different things, especially the Berry series

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
No more, we chat and message all the time! :D

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!:)

Misty said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: igetmisty

gjaneco said...

MFO, you've got mail!!! Happy anniversary!! :D

Unknown said...

MFO, you've got mail!

lc king said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Happy 5th Anniversary! :)

Ruthlyn Sy said...

Twitter ID: ruthlynsy

- How did you discover MFO?
- How long have you been reading MFO?
About a year or so. Even more so since you moved to Singapore because I love that place so much.
- What do you like about the blog?
I like the blog because I love all the stuff you buy and the clothes you wear and the bags you carry. You're chica without being flamboyant. Plus you always emphasize the fact that you don't get paid to write about the stuff. You only blog about things you actually use and believe in.
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
How would you describe your personal style? What inspires you, fashion wise? How would you describe the life of a mom based in Singapore? (I've always wanted to move but I'm still waiting for the right time and the right opportunity.)

miles0282 said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Jeng Aquino said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Mom-Friday said...

How did you discover MFO?
Through your regular Star column, and later found your site during the Big Bad Blogger brouhaha
- How long have you been reading MFO?
Been following since that BBB and we exchanged emails
- What do you like about the blog?
It's up to date with the latest fashion trends, where and what to shop, I learned about new stuff and brands from your site, and I just really like your aesthetics in your personal style, fashion and design.
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me?
What was your very first signature piece of clothing or bag, and when did you have it?

twitter: mymomfriday
mymomfriday (at) gmail (dot) com

Karla said...

MFO, you've got mail!

hgtin said...

MFO, you've got mail!

mean geneblazo said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

-Pau C.

AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Czarina Maye said...

- How did you discover MFO? In! :)
- How long have you been reading MFO? 1 year
- What do you like about the blog? You discover items around the world and make sure it hits the shores of MNL or at least share your finds with us/where we can get 'em. ;)
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance! How will you compare your life here and abroad? :)

erika lim said...

Followed you and CSB on twitter and on facebook :)

twitter ID : erikaloca

I discovered MFO thru my friends blog, she had you on her blogroll :)

I've been reading your blog for two years.

What I like about your blog is that you're so ahead of fashion news.

what inspires you to blog? and what is your favorite local brand?

Frances Reyes said...

twitter: @fayedreyes

How did you discover MFO?
found out through a friend who recommended it

- How long have you been reading MFO?
maybe about for a month now

- What do you like about the blog?
keeps me up to date and whats new in the fashion area

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
what else do you do aside from blogging?

Conchita said...

does this include us? hahaha!

Weng said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

MFO,you've got mail! :)


Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: cheloyu

gay reyes said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter i.d: floureggscrumbs

Richelle said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Conchita said...

MFO, you've got mail! dingdong!

Eina Garrido said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: EinaGarrido

janie said...

Have PHL address, will join! Can?

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter - already a follower :)

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook - done!

3. twitter: @janie_real

How did you discover MFO?
-featured on Manila Style and I've been hooked ever since!

How long have you been reading MFO?
-mid 2008, thereabouts

What do you like about the blog?
- fun and relatable fashion finds and inspirations

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me?
- I've been meaning to ask about the Clarisonic. I wanted to get a Mia but they only have the Plus in Sephora for 375sgd. I think it's steeply priced. Should I go for it? Hehe, laki ng problema! :)

Happy Anniversary TIn!

cosmosyana said...

How did you discover MFO?
--- Via a link in another blogsite :)

How long have you been reading MFO?
--- Around 1.5 years already

What do you like about the blog?
--- I love your looks! Very casual and easy going but stylish at the same time. it's the perfect marriage of style and comfot.

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
--- What is your favorite style blog?

twitter ID: cosmosyana

Thanks and happy anniversary MFO! :D

Diane said...

MFO,you've got mail! :)

Twitter: @chrisdtu

Farrah said...

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter - follower already :)

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook - liked as Farrah Garcia

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

twitter id: farrahgarcia

- How did you discover MFO?
I can't remember how I discovered MFO. i think i also joined one of your contests? or i saw it on someone else's blog roll

How long have you been reading MFO? --i dunno na rin, but not over a year pa naman :)

- What do you like about the blog?
I love how I get information about a lot of things here. :)

--I have nothing to ask :P

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Claire said...

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter -- DONE (@sweetaftereight)

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook -- DONE (

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

twitter id -- @sweetaftereight
email -- ayethcruz@gmail(dot)com

- How did you discover MFO? through another blogger (
- How long have you been reading MFO? 4-5 years already.
- What do you like about the blog? having up-to-date information about all of my interests. being an all-in-one blog.
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? none, so far. :)

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Mel said...

MFO You got mail!

Mel Gregorio

Cosmopolicious said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Daniel Kaity said...

How did you discover MFO?
-thru twitter. was just browsing tweets and saw ur acct.!(:

How long have you been reading MFO?
-a month or two.

What do you like about the blog?
-it gets me updated about the latest fashion, events and "to-go" places.(:

twitter: @danielk8y

Krisca said...


- How did you discover MFO?
I discovered your blog through a list of blogs recommended to us here at the office. and ever since then, I follow all your posts! It used to be just for work but then I found the fashion insights really good!
- How long have you been reading MFO?
I have been reading your blog for almost 2 years. :)
- What do you like about the blog?
I like the way you share your thoughts on fashion as well as your recommendations on the new trends.
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
How does it feel to still be up and running after 5 successful years? What new things can we expect in your blog?

Sassy Hairsies said...


MFO, you've got mail!

Suyen said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Lorsee said...


"MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail


tiniwini said...

MFO, you've got mail!

tots said...


MFO, you've got mail!

Meg said...

1. Discovered MFO through twitter! through tweets with anthology shoes and other brands. (Big fan of anthology!)
2. For about half a year now.
3. I love that it's always up to fashion, insanely interesting and witty. Not all blogs are able to deliver content with both substance and personality.
4. How do you get around with things/trends so fast?? it's amazing really. Haha!

deanv said...

MFO, you've got mail!

beatsnatcher said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

1 & 2. Done! :)

How did you discover MFO?
- Blog hopping!

How long have you been reading MFO?
- About a year now, I think?

What do you like about the blog?
- Love how your blog doesn't solely revolves around fashion, you share bits of your personal life too! :)

Twitter: runbarbierun

*Sorry, I have no idea if my other comment push through. Dang, internet connection.

Camy said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Regine delos Reyes said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Issa said...

oh, this is an amazing giveaway!

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook

Twitter ID: Issachavez14

- How did you discover MFO? i am a follower of schu_shop via twitter and they retweeted your contest :)

- How long have you been reading MFO? - i am a new follower

- What do you like about the blog? i am about to discover what to like abput it
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? none yet, but i will definitely once i start reading your blog :)

AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

twitter: @artsyava

Cai Sio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

demented.angel said...

"MFO, you've got mail!"


Nariese said...

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter - FOLLOWED! :)

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook - LIKED! :)

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

twitter id: eseiran

- How did you discover MFO? How long have you been reading MFO?
I can't remember how I discovered Manila Fashion Observer but I've been reading your blog since I started blogging last year. :)

- What do you like about the blog?
I love that you blog about other things as well. And not just things ha, it's mostly things that are super interesting. :)


Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

- witchlap

Sheridan said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Eubelle said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

Kat said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Rae said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Meryl said...

-Steps 1 & 2 done!

How did you discover MFO?
I'm not sure how I discovered MFO but it's most likely through blog hopping.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
I've been an avid reader since 2008!

- What do you like about the blog?
I like how it's not just about fashion and that you share bits about your personal life as well, without getting too personal. Only a few people can do that in the blogosphere! Plus your entries are very relatable and easy to read, without being OTT or pretentious.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
How do you manage to be such a fashionable mommy blogger? I wanna be like you someday, heehee. :">

RachelCrz said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter id: @RachelCRZ

gladys leong said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Mahaderang Frog said...

MFO, you've got mail!


Other details in the email:)

soulstar88 said...

MFO, you've got mail!
twitter ID: soulstar88

catherine go said...

MFO, you've got mail!
twitter id: soulstar88

amity ong said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook

twitter id: amity225

- How did you discover MFO?
>> hmm.. while i was blog hopping :)
- How long have you been reading MFO?
>> years.. maybe 3?

- What do you like about the blog?
>> i like your fashion style, simple yet chic! and oh, Berry's style too! too cute for words :)
and of course, new stuffs and promos! It's here where i learned about Cambridge Satchel and fell in love with them... It was love at first sight.. ^.^

- nothing to ask.. just love everything you share in your blog :)

abigail ong said...

twitter: abiboy514

How did you discover MFO?
- through chuvaness!

- How long have you been reading MFO?
maybe about 2 years

- What do you like about the blog?
i love the new stuffs and fashion you feature, i love your fashion style too :)

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
what else do you do aside from blogging?

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

myka said...

MFO, you've got mail!

myka said...

MFO, you've got mail!


MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: @belagoose

Roda said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Annelle Lansangan said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Annelle Lansangan
Twitter: annellelans

Daisha Abrera said...

Twitter: @daishabrera

- How did you discover MFO?
Im not sure, i was just browsing and MFO caught my attention so i checked on it and bam! i found it really interesting.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
been 2 or 3 months i guess? it's when i started reading blogs on blogger :)

- What do you like about the blog?
Im starting to love fashion and I love everything about this blog. I make some pics here as an inspiration, helps me on mix and matching clothes, and updates me in fashion. This blog is full of LAMAN.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
None. I just love your blog!

jamaica said...

MFO, you've got mail! =)

Anonymous said...

MFO you've got mail!

Tanya said...

Twitter: @tanyainlive

How did you discover MFO? I think I was bloghopping at that time when I stumbled upon your blog. :)

How long have you been reading MFO? I've been an avid reader since last year. :)

What do you like about the blog? I like the simple chic outfits and of course, Berry's outfits as well!

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Nothing to ask. But I do like to say that you make me want to have kids na so I can have someone to dress up. :)

Anonymous said...

1. followed @cd_mfo and @schu_shop already.

2. Liked MFO and schu Philippines on FB.

3. Answers to Qs:
- How did you discover MFO?
I discovered MFO when I began creating my own blog. One look at the different shoes that you feature, and I'm hooked! Your blog style has always been my inspiration. Hence, I had your blog linked, so I can read MFO anytime.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
About a year and a half already.

- What do you like about the blog?
It's interesting and very entertaining, and the writing style is really fun. Topics are so versatile, from fashion news, beauty, to even politics. I love how you take your blogging so seriously, and yet write in a quirky and funny way. I also enjoy your Berry series. And oh, I learned to appreciate the androgyny look because of your blog, too.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!

How's Berry? (Honestly, I really want to know how Berry is. )

Twitter: @chryztyners

ceaceacea said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Vanessa said...

MFO, you've got mail! And congratulations on your blog's 5th birthday!

Straypusiket said...


"MFO, you've got mail!"

veronica said...

Twitter: @foodieatlaw

"MFO, you got mail!"

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

melitrix said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: mdm1229

prettywicked said...

MFO, you've got mail!

The Phenomenal Mama said...

How did you discover MFO?
-I have been reading your column at Phil. Star even before I found out about your blog from Chuvaness

How long have you been reading MFO?
-mid 2010, first time to comment was your post about the ghd hair straightener

What do you like about the blog?
- relatable fashion finds and cute anecdotes on motherhood and parenting

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me?
- So, did you buy the ghd hair straightener? :)

twitter: @phenomenalmama16
email: phenomenalmama16 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jackie Go said...

Hello MFO, you've got mail! :D

macy guido said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: macyguido

donna said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Niña Christine Cruz said...

MFO, you've got mail!
twitter id: ninicruuuz


April said...

How did you discover MFO?
- From my best friend who also reads your blog.

How long have you been reading MFO?
- I really can't remember. The first post I remember reading was about your hubby graduating from Harvard.

What do you like about the blog?
- Your posts about Berry! I have a baby girl too who's almost the same age as Berry.

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
- Is Berry already in the terrible twos phase? And how do you handle it.

Twitter: wengkekay

Kir said...

MFO, you've got mail!


Isabella Palmes said...

1. Followed schu shop & you.
2. Liked Schu Philippines & MFO on Facebook. (username - Isabella Gases-Palmes)
3. Twitter ID - @ling_palmes
Email -

How did you discover MFO?
- I think from another blog.

How long have you been reading MFO?
- Almost 4 years already.

What do you like about the blog?
- Everything! From your outfit shots, product suggestions, fashion related blog articles, travels, mommy related posts & of course Berry's. I learned a lot from you. And since I like your wedding color motif, I also had mine in pink!

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
- How do you manage your time? Thanks!

anya978 said...

MFO you've got mail!

ramona said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

happy anniversary!

Tasha said...

MFO you've got mail!

R.O.S.E. said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Char said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Evert said...

Twitter ID: evertsdesserts

- How did you discover MFO? Blog-hopping one day and came across MFO in my friend's sidebar.

- How long have you been reading MFO? I've been keeping tabs of MFO in my Google Reader for a year already.

- What do you like about the blog? Tips are always useful, especially the one on removing stains :)

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance! How did you start MFO?

Cagzee said...

MFO, You've Got Mail! :)

Anonymous said...

MFO, You've Got Mail! :)

Anonymous said...

MFO, You've Got Mail! :)

irish buenaventura said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Angel said...

MFO, you've got mail!
twitter: yadonushi

Tani said...

Twitter ID: taniduvill

- How did you discover MFO?

- How long have you been reading MFO?
Just a few weeks

- What do you like about the blog?
I've only been reading your posts for a few weeks and already, I feel more fashion-savvy. :)

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
What camera do you use to take pictures with?

Mikey Sanchez said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

MFO, YOU've got mail!

Twitter ID @hannikae

Bachuchay said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook FB Name : Monette Nama

3. twitter id: iambachuchay
email: huggie0109(at)yahoo(dot)com

- How did you discover MFO?
been reading fashion blogs and MFO was on the blog roll so out of curiosity I checked it out

How long have you been reading MFO?
early this year

- What do you like about the blog?
I love the pictures/illustrations. I got tips on how to use/where to use a certain item

Tin Gamp said...

twitter id: kkkristineg

MFO, you've got mail!

Toni said...

MFO, you've got mail!

KRG said...

MFO, you've got mail!

well said...

Twitter: @1happysingle

Im a fan of chocolate schu bar and with them I discovered MFO. I've been reading so much blogs these days, and yours was included. I often visit your page everytime Im free. I like it very much and it gives me insight about fashion and trends. Honestly, I really wanted to ask you how did you got those great fashion sense? :)

Unknown said...

How did you discover MFO?
Through other mommy bloggers. I found your link on most of their blog roll.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
A little more than a year I think.

- What do you like about the blog?
I like reading your blog cause I get to get updates on whats hot plus your cool outfit photos, and Berry's too.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me?
How do you balance work and family life? You seem to have a lot on your plate.

twitter: ninnya_

Ron said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Kimberly said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Cor said...

"MFO, you've got mail!"
corrine emata

Dr. Kelly said...

MFO,you've got mail!

twitter: kellybelly
email: raquelisabelle[at]gmail[dot]com

Happy anniversary!

laury said...

"MFO, you've got mail!"

Twitter ID: @lssiris

Mikey Sanchez said...

MFO, you've got mail!
t: @michaelgsanchez

Shirley Mae Tabora said...

- How did you discover MFO?

I stumbled upon your blog from Chuvaness' blog. =)

- How long have you been reading MFO?
I'm one of your new yet hooked already readers.

- What do you like about the blog?
All things fashion and all the new things that you just found out yourself and share with us. And of course, all the Berry-cute posts.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!

Just how do you do it? I mean to remain polished and fashionable despite taking care of Berry and all the other things that take up most of your time.

I'm a mom myself and I so look up to other moms like you and Cecile of Chuvaness for doing everything that you do and still be a good mom to your kids. There really is no such thing as a Super Mom but reading about you and Berry and all your other activities that keep you busy, makes you close to being one. =)

Twitter: @smytabora
Email: sm_yboa at yahoo dot com
Tweet link:!/smytabora/status/104023362862460928

Dianne said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook (Dianne Cruz)

3. Twitter ( dhaian26 )
Email (

- How did you discover MFO?
I googled manila cambridge satchel =) and then I met your wonderful blog =)

- How long have you been reading MFO?
january 2011

- What do you like about the blog?
your awesome latest finds here in Manila =)

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
I just wanna say more years to come for this uber cool updated blog!

prannieee said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Inez said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

Twitter ID: butterbeer28

Carla said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Twitter: @carlanicole1984

Unknown said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

twitter: @weng2278

Diane Writes said...

Hello! Thank you for sharing this opportunity.

My twitter ID is @shewantstowrite and I have followed both your account and @schushop. I did the same for the Facebook fan pages. I am Diane Francisco at Facebook.

Here's a link of my tweet for the promo!/shewantstowrite/status/104077198343933953

I've discovered MFO through Schu's twitter account. I've been reading your blog for a month and I love the outfit posts and the pictures of the different beautiful places you have visited. I wish that MFO would continue to feature more beautiful products and places I haven't been too.

Thanks a lot.

Krystle said...

MFO, you've got mail!
Twitter Id: sweetsalmonpink

Jacqui said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twiiter: jacqui1001

Arianne said...

(1) tfarnique /
(2) I like the restaurant spotlights on Manila and abroad best! And you got married in my parish church! :))

Nikko Zamora said...

MFO, you've got mail!!!!!!!! :D \mm/ :D \mm/

Maria said...

How did you discover MFO?
Answer:I was reading new blog entries of the popular bloggers and I stumbled with the link of your page embedded on one of the blogger's page. I an instant, I have love your page. Simple yet Fun. <3

How long have you been reading MFO?
Answer: Just now!! Eeeeee. :)

What do you like about the blog?
Just what I said a while ago. Simple yet fun and informative unlike the other blogs. :) *peace*

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance.
Answer: Yup! What or who drove you to start blogging?

Wonder Woman said...

1. Followed on Twitter as the_lil_miss
2. Liked both FB pages as Angeline Rodriguez

I discovered MFO through and have only been reading for about a week or so, but I have read a lot of older posts. I love that the blog isn't just about fashion for adults, but also fashion for kids. Come on. Your daughter? Gorgeous. She should be BFFs with mine. ;) I just like that you blog about children's things, too. Hmm... My question? Can our daughters have playdates? :p

Nikko Zamora said...

twitter: nikkozamora

pokoy16 said...

MFO, you've got mail!

LuLu said...

MFO, you've got mail!

carla said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Justine said...

- How did you discover MFO?
Discovered MFO while browsing and looking through fashion blogs that were Philippine-centered.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
Sometime early this year.

- What do you like about the blog?
I love how it's a mix of personal, designer, commercial stuff. It has everything I wanna know and pretty much one stop because it doesn't only have local stuff. I also love how straightforward you write and basically just as it is.. no pretense of any sort.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
How do you avoid outfit repeating? Hehe


Unknown said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!!! :)

Julieanne said...

twitter: bearluvslion

How did you discover MFO?
from reading other blogs like

- How long have you been reading MFO?
maybe about for a month now

- What do you like about the blog?
your fabulous fashion sense, from bags, clothes etc. i also love your posts about your daughter!

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
are you dreaming to have your own fashion line of clothing or bags? :-)

abijuice said...

MFO, you've got mail!

-twitter: abijuice

Maria said...

I am sorry again. I forgot to add my twitter name and email again so i am re-commenting again. :) Really sorry. Mian-neyo.

How did you discover MFO?
Answer:I was reading new blog entries of the popular bloggers and I stumbled with the link of your page embedded on one of the blogger's page. I an instant, I have love your page. Simple yet Fun. <3

How long have you been reading MFO?
Answer: Just now!! Eeeeee. :)

What do you like about the blog?
Just what I said a while ago. Simple yet fun and informative unlike the other blogs. :) *peace*

Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance.
Answer: Yup! What or who drove you to start blogging?

twitter name: teen-teen meriales

Jamie Chua said...

twitter: jetaimejamie

- How did you discover MFO?
Through Schu's advertisement on their blog

- How long have you been reading MFO?
I just discovered this blog today :)

- What do you like about the blog?
It's easy reading and not boring at all :)

A Revote said...

MFO, you've got mail!

herroyalbleakness said...

twitter id: argiewargie
FB: her royalbleakness
email: argie022021 {at} yahoo [dot] com

- via schushopmanila's blog
- just now. and im liking the simplicity of your blog posts.
- the engaging photos, i think.
- what camera and lens are you using for your travel shots? what camera can you recommend for bloggers who'd like to have something compact but effective in capturing photos (is there such a gadget, LOL, i hope so)?

missyosigirl said...

twitter: missyosigirl
facebook: missyosigirl

How did you discover MFO?

thru chuvaness, when she wrote about visiting you in SG, i think :)

How long have you been reading MFO?

for a year i think, on and off :)

What do you like about the blog?

your outfit photos :) i love your laidback chic style :) and i love how much you love anthology shoes! i'm a convert because of you!

happy anniversary! :D

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

fashioneggpplant said...

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter..done!

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook...done!

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

- How did you discover MFO?

blog hop :)

- How long have you been reading MFO?

almost a year

- What do you like about the blog?

its "fashion-forward-ness"

name: Sarah Tirona
facebook: Sarah Irene Tirona
twitter: sarahtirona

Anonymous said...

"MFO, you've got mail!"


Min said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook

How did you discover MFO?
- via Chuvaness'blog
How long have you been reading MFO?
- 2 years
What do you like about the blog?
- Everything!
Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
- Who's your fave fashion icon?

Min Viloria
twitter id: renaeh28

Ansherina said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

Follower on Facebook as Nina Morfe
Follower Twitter as @nina_morfe
Email: nina_morfe(at)yahoo(dot)com

- How did you discover MFO? cant remember how, thru blog-hopping i guess :)
- How long have you been reading MFO? over a year
- What do you like about the blog? the pictures :)

Catherine said...

MFO, you've got mail!

yeenabdul said...

Facebook : Aya Ho
Twitter : yeenabdul

~ How did you discover MFO?
Actually, I'm looking for a satchel bag then poof! MFO appears. Hehe.

~ How long have you been reading MFO? Honestly, just an hour ago.

~ What do you like about the blog? Satchel bag!!! I really want it so baddddddddd. And I'm so lucky kasi MFO have this kind of anniversary giveaway!! I want to win!!! Pleasee? HAHAHA ♥ Craving for this onee. Huuhuhuhuhu.

yeenabdul said...

Facebook : Aya Ho
Twitter : yeenabdul

~ How did you discover MFO?
Actually, I'm looking for a satchel bag then poof! MFO appears. Hehe.

~ How long have you been reading MFO? Honestly, just an hour ago.

~ What do you like about the blog? Satchel bag!!! I really want it so baddddddddd. And I'm so lucky kasi MFO have this kind of anniversary giveaway!! I want to win!!! Pleasee? HAHAHA ♥ :|

Susan said...

"MFO, you've got mail!"

alma said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Unknown said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Michelle said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Twitter: mhitche

Michelle Cabrera said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Twitter: mhitche

charm said...

1. Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter- done

2. Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook - done

3. Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID: charmsmiranda & email- and shared
fb: charms miranda

- How did you discover MFO?
my sister recommended me about your blog because all about fashion.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
just this august

- What do you like about the blog?
I love about your blog is that I can be updated with the latest fashion and trends that I can't find anywhere.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
being a fashionista do need to be able to have the budget to be one? Like me I don't have that budget but I want to be on to date about the trends.

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: akosibabytoy

Joyce said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter: @03march2007

Anne Marae said...

Followed you via GFC: babyaииE.
Followed You and Schu Shop on Twitter
Liked Schu and MFO on FB

Anne Fillado

- How did you discover MFO?
From Charm. She also joined this contest. :)

- How long have you been reading MFO?
Honestly, I just started today. :)

- What do you like about the blog?
The fashion features itself. :)

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
None yet. I'll let you know when I have one already. :)

Anne Marae said...

Followed you via GFC: babyaииE.
Followed You and Schu Shop on Twitter
Liked Schu and MFO on FB

Anne Fillado

- How did you discover MFO?
From Charm. She also joined this contest. :)

- How long have you been reading MFO?
Honestly, I just started today. :)

- What do you like about the blog?
The fashion features itself. :)

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!
None yet. I'll let you know when I have one already. :)

on hiatus said...

MFO, you've got mail!

summerinparis said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and @cd_mfo on Twitter!

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook!

3. Twitter ID: mnSPOONilla

How did you discover MFO?
-I was randomly checking @schu_shop's twitter page to read about Cambridge Satchels and another twitter follower of the brand posted a link on their page that is about the MFO Giveaway to win Cambridge Satchels. Here's the link she posted : https//!/tess_victoria/status/104909616126771200    
How long have you been reading MFO? 
-I'm a newbie. Since August 20, 2011.
What do you like about the blog? 
-It's very informative and the blog isn't all about advertisement unlike other blogs nowadays. I can tell that it has realistic approach to the readers.
Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? 
-As a blogger,is it annoying if your followers/readers comments a lot on your post in a way that they are being feeling close?! Or if the message is somewhat personal?

ambquezada said...

Follow schu @schu_shop and myself @cd_mfo on Twitter-done

Like schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook-done

Leave a comment* with your Twitter ID & email and share:

- How did you discover MFO?
through twitter.

- How long have you been reading MFO?
Just recently. About a month.

- What do you like about the blog?
I like how i get so any information from you, not just about fashion but also about family and home.

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance! - How do you keep everything in order? How do you keep your fashion sense while being a mother?

twitter id: ambquezada

Dianne C. said...

MFO, you've got mail! :)

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

rosette ecleo-sacil said...

MFO, you've got mail!

twitter id: sette112096

Unknown said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and MFO @cd_mfo on Twitter (username: TheAverageJane)

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook (username: Tin Solis-Kiok)

3. Leave a comment:

- How did you discover MFO? Found out about MFO through a friend who is also a subscriber.
- How long have you been reading MFO? Almost 2 years now.
- What do you like about the blog? I love the fashion finds and posts on places you've been to.
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Nothing really except more power to your blog! =)

Twitter ID: TheAverageJane
FB ID: Tin Solis-Kiok

Anonymous said...

MFO, you've got mail!

pretty thing said...

"MFO, you've got mail!"

Badet said...

Twitter: badudets
Email: ba_det at yahoo dot com

- I discovered MFO through Kikay Exchange. I read about the Spot Remover back then.
- a year
- Up to date news about fashion, beauty, and everything under the sun.
- Considering your blog's status, who do you look up to or blogs you read on a daily basis?

raranaval said...

1. Followed schu @schu_shop and @cd_mfo on Twitter

2. Liked schu Philippines and Manila Fashion Observer on Facebook

3. Twitter ID (raranaval) & email ( and share:

- How did you discover MFO? Through a link from another blogsite
- How long have you been reading MFO? About a year
- What do you like about the blog? The fashion posts and Berry-related stories
- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance! After being outside the country for some time, do you ever feel homesick and want to come back to the Philippines to settle down?

macy suguitan said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Blanca Dela Cruz said...

MFO, you've got mail!

cheryll ann said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Glenda B. Mantaring said...

MFO, you've got mail!
Twitter: iambabyg16

Dorothy said...

MFO, you've got mail!

kitty said...

Twitter: @chamcuartero

- How did you discover MFO?

- How long have you been reading MFO?

- What do you like about the blog?

- Is there anything you've always wanted to ask me? Now's your chance!

Rica O said...

MFO, you've got mail!

Rica O

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