Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Aesthetic Science for Beauty & Wellness

When my friend Marcie invited me to check out Aesthetic Science, her friend Dr. Yanee Vasquez's dermatology and plastic surgery clinic on Jupiter St. in Makati, it did not take a lot of convincing. After living abroad for years, and then being pregnant my first year in Manila, my skin has never been pricked, prodded and pampered in what seems like forever. Marcie encouraged me to bring friends, so I ended up taking along my mommy friends and head SoMoms - Kris aka OC Mom in Manila and Janice of MommyMundo so they can also experience Aesthetic Science for themselves.

Another thing that really got to me, apart from the idea of finally getting a proper facial after approximately four years, was the thought of asking about getting a ting-sun, because I've always wanted to have a visible double eyelid, ahihihi.

So, over lunch at IMC Kavino next door, Kris, Janice and I got to speak with Dr. Yanee and her associate doctors Dr. Leah and Dr. Jason, where we talked about their clinic, their work and their passion for beauty, health and total wellness.

What I love about them is that they are just not about "outer beauty". Dr. Yanee is a devout yoga practitioner and she also practices Reiki healing.  Dr. Jason specializes in Digestive Cleansing. Both agree that while they help their patients achieve their "beauty goals", they also make sure that their patients don't go overboard and get addicted to plastic surgery. They always stress on the importance of loving and accepting one's self. That beauty procedures are ok, if you are realistic with your expectations. But, it will never be a guarantee of one's happiness if you are unhappy with yourself to start with. Heavy, pare.

Thankfully, I am happy with the face God gave me. I wish I looked better, but I can live with it, hahaha. So, I just opted to have a glycolic acid cleansing + diamond peel.

Feeling pampered and cozy prior to getting my face pricked and cleansed

OMG. It was such a great facial, I really felt my skin was totally cleansed to kingdom come. My aesthetician Jen had really nimble and gentle hands so it didn't feel like torture. Yes, despite the prickly feel of the glycolic acid (it's like rubbing calamansi on your face ha). I walked out of the clinic my face all red from the pricks and peel, which soon disappeared in an hour or so. Truly a  "lunch time facial" - procedure was done in 45 minutes, then I was back to normal activities like nothing happened, save for the temporary redness.

The great news incidentally, was that years of using a Clarisonic brush and over half a year into the no water cleansing routine, the aesthetician said I had pretty good skin, considering my last proper facial (excluding the Clarins ones I had while pregnant, which did not involve pricking) was uhm, 4 years ago. Yes, 4 long years.

Due to time constraints, since we scheduled a trip out of town that day, I ended up just getting the glycolic acid cleansing and will just try the full on treatment with diamond peel next time. I am also planning to go back for wart removal (remnants from my last pregnancy), and then maybe get my brown freckles zapped.  Then maybe, just maybe, I will get those double eyelids I've always dreamed of. Heeheehee. 

For inquiries contact:
Telephone No.: 809-8021/899-3643
Website: www.aestheticscienceclinic.com
E-mail: aestheticscienceclinic@yahoo.com

Aesthetic Science Alabang
Ground Floor of the Kennedy Center
Prime cor. Venture Sts. Madrigal Business Park
Muntinlupa City
8098021 / 09178082921

Aesthetic Science Makati
Ground Floor, Jupiter Place
Jupiter St., Bel-air Makati City
8993643 / 09178082926

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