The sad thing is, I'm still out of the country and couldn't make it...unless the folks at Unilever spring for my airfare! So I guess I'm not THAT big time yet. *Thud* Hello, back to earth! Hahaha! But see, I've been adding milk to my tea for years (a habit I picked up when our family lived in London for a couple of years. Tea in England is always served with milk, from the tattered living room of an English eccentric, to the coffee shop at Selfridges, and yes, especially at the Palm Court at the Ritz), so I really was curious to see what Lipton Milk Tea was all about. The idea of instant milk tea just appeals to me!
Because I'm a responsible blogger, and mainly because I didn't want to miss this event, I sent my Manila correspondent to attend on my behalf. That correspondent being my youngest sister Nicole (yes, the one I share Teen Vogue magazines with), who thankfully agreed to free up her busy social schedule so she can attend on my behalf! Yay!
At 12 midnight here (12 noon in Manila), I called the house just to make sure that Nicole wasn't going to bail on me. Ahh, what little faith I have! Turns out, as my mom assured me, Nicole even enlisted the help of our dear brother Andrew to go with her, because she was shy and didn't want to go alone. Big brother Andrew said yes. Awww shucks! Thank God for my little siblings!
Now if you know my sibs, they get bored easily. And in a group of strangers, can be very shy. But guess what! They had a great time at the Lipton Milk Tea event! *HUGE sigh of relief here*
According to Nicole's report, the event kicked off with a trivia game. Lily, the host, basically was able to give the history of tea by way of the trivia game (such as tea originating from China 5000 years ago). Very interactive! Then she explained how the English came to add milk to tea (they did it for many reasons, one is to cool the cup because china cups in the early days were so delicate that it would crack from the heat of the tea! So milk was really meant to cushion the heat!) and introduced Lipton Milk Tea. Of course, they got to do a taste test afterwards!
Nicole said Lipton Milk Tea tastes like chai tea, and you could really taste the milk. And, its not too sweet. In her own words, "I find normal tea bitter. And the milk adds that dairy taste which makes it child friendly. I think a lot more people can drink it. Like for me, when I was a kid I thought tea was for old people, old English people. Or for Mommy, because she drinks tea a lot, and I only drink tea if I have a sore throat...although my friends say tea relaxes them during stressful school days..."
After they got to try the different Lipton Milk Tea variants, they were told to go around Body Shop and look for 3 items that made them "feel good". Nicole said it was hard to choose 3 because she wanted EVERYTHING! Hahaha! The funny thing is, she said "Being in Body Shop itself makes me feel good." She ended up with some make-up and had Andrew pick one more thing because she didn't know what else to get. So when Minnie, Lipton Milk Tea's assistant brand manager, said they get to keep what they picked out, she said she should have chosen better! Hahaha! I hope Andrew got something he could use!
All in all, Nicole enjoyed the event and found it a good experience! (See, doing favors for me can be fun!) She also got to bring home Lipton Milk Tea!
When she told her friends that she got to attend the event, they wanted to know all about it! Apparently, when they all first saw the product on a commercial, they all wanted to try it right away. So she gave some to her friends. "They loved it!" Nic said...

Then she signed off saying, "We should buy more Milk Tea!"
WOOOOOHOOOOO I loooove milk tea too, and YES you are SO big time Tin^2!!
I hope to see you soon!!
Hahaha! Thanks Mrs. Jackie T! See you very soon!!! =)
I love Milk Tea - hot, cold with tapioca or without. I read about this some time ago and have asked my mom to send me some. I hope she didnt forget =) must remind her.
Hey Ate Tin!
I've been a fan of Lipton's Milk Tea (the vanilla flavored one) for months now so I'm really delighted to see that you have blogged about it. It's really good. Even my Dad is a big fan. =)
I hope you'll get more events! ;)
M. Habito
Oh yes Raissa! I especially love black milk tea with tapioca too, hot or cold it doesn't matter!!! Yummy! Can't wait to try it! I don't think it's available here no?
Thanks Monica! I hope so too! Wow, I really have to try it as you are all raving about it! Even Tito likes it! I think my mom will definitely like this as well! I hope Nicole saved some for her! Hahaha!
trina told me about putting milk in the tea. never had tried it but maybe we can get some sent here :D
I can get some for you Belle! And send it over when I get back! =)
I havent checked the Filipino stores near me if they have it. I will check =) One "boba" shop here has the most delicious and cheapest milk teas with tapioca ever. Its 2 for $2.50. I also love the boba red milk tea from Guppys
I should check the FIlipino stores too, although I just came from one the other day and I don't recall seeing it there. Hopefully we can find it here! Otherwise, we'll have to rely on our family back home, hehehe! I love bubble tea shops too! But the one I go to near NYU, called Saint's Alp is expensive, about $3 for the regular and $4 for the jumbo. Much cheaper in Vancouver, although I hear there are a lot of boba shops in CA nga! Supply and demand I guess. Lucky you! I can't indulge in boba here everyday, hahaha!
Thanks for the info on Milktea! I've been drinking chai-latte back when Cinnzeo was still open but it's too expensive! This is great!
Thanks much
Romina (milktea enthusiast)
Hi Romina! It's great isn't it? You're very much welcome! =)
I hear there are a lot of boba shops in CA nga! Supply and demand I guess. Lucky you! I can't indulge in boba here everyday, hahaha!
yup there are a ton of boba shops here. some are even open till late. One is open until 2am on weekends. more and more are popping out but so far my cousins and I have our own favorites and thats where we go more. =)
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