Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Interview with Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes

I love love love reading Jane's blog Sea of Shoes because I am just amazed with how naturally she lives and breathes style...and of course, because of all the eye candy in her closet!

So I unabashedly requested for permission to interview her for my column in On The Radar (in today's Philippine Star), the result of which is this...

So what else did I find out about her? That she is the sweetest, nicest, most down to earth girl ever! (I'd be a total snob if I were in her shoes, heehee just kidding!) She is just so gorgeous inside and out and she deserves all the nicest shoes in the world season after season!

P.S. Thanks for scanning this Grace! You're the best! =)

For Tanya, the Ungaro Branch Heels:


Anonymous said...

Wow! I've got to go buy a copy of Philippine Star now! :D

cd_mfo said...

Yes agee! Please do! =)

Conchita said...

good thing we subscribe to star!!!

i totally love her shoe closet... not only the shoes ha. the closet itself! it's like walking in a department store!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tin!!! Galing mo!

chin said...

yeah, she's so stylish! ive been following her blog for a long time now.

Anonymous said...

hey ate tin, guess what! the strangest thing happened to me. i was at ta keo temple in angkor, where i climbed the highest point, met a boy who was selling me bracelets and shared a carrot muffin with his mom. when i climbed back to the 3rd level trying to figure out how to get down, there were 2 buddhist monks (student monks) who asked me where i was from and what my name was. then they asked to have a picture with me! i was thinking, ok this is what little kids do. they offer to take your photo and ask for a dollar for their school. anyway, i didn't have a camera in the first place so i said, 'oh no! i don't have a camera' and they said 'no, it's ok'. then the third monk whipped out his camera and the 2 monks took turns to have photos with me. i almost hugged/leaned against one of them (photo instinct), but remembered they were monks :-) after the smiles and thank you's, i took off my sanuks and made my way down. isn't that crazy?! miss you... trina xoxo

Karrots said...

i'd love to drown in her closet! =P

Vanessa said...

That was a good read. :-) Kudos!

Giancinephile said...

More power to your column (may I have one soon as well!) LOL

Anonymous said...

i dont get it ate trina. youre so weird.- nicole

Anonymous said...

nicole. i love you. when will you come see me?

MzUnicaHija19 said...

I agreed, I have never seen a 16 yr old girl dressed like her and she have the coolest mom as well!

Anonymous said...

is there any way we can get bigger/clearer versions of the photos that accompany the article? id like to see those beauiful ungaro's up close!

Anonymous said...

oh i love sea of shoes too! great pick for the column! =)

Anonymous said...

I love her style, too...and she seemed very sweet...I just didn't like that photo of JESUS giving the 'F' finger she posted a while back...just that particular photo.....:( the rest I love.. :)

Dossiers said...

love your blog!
check out mine:


Anonymous said...

i checked out her blog, and oh, she's so pretty! ^^ i wanna be reborn in her shoes. haha. :)

Anonymous said...

Great article. Jane's has fantastic shoes, and a remarkable sense a style, most especially for someone 16 years old. Oh how I'd love to go shopping in her closet.

BE. said...

I really like this girl's closet!

DC Shoes UK said...

Nice blog, i am not able to see these shoes properly.

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