Thursday, August 06, 2009

His & Hers: G.I. Joe & Anna Wintour

Dear Hubby wants to watch this...showing August 7, tomorrow!

Meanwhile, The September Issue (which I blogged about 2.5 years ago!), is finally out this month! What a long wait!!!

Showing here August 28! I hope my sister Trina and Berry will let me sneak out to watch this documentary (Yes, alone! Unless I find someone I can drag with me, heehee! Paging Cel, Me-an or Sarj! Cel, Me-an, care to skip work? Sarj! Make the trek here from DC?) I'll be gone 3 hours max, promise! Besides, I've got bottles of frozen breast milk in the freezer, hahaha!

Can't say no to Nuclear Wintour!

I wonder what she thinks about the September 2009 issue being the thinnest issue ever though! According to NYMag, Condé Nast released ad-page projections for its September issue — and apparently, they're down 37 percent. Check out the stats:

2009: projected 429 ad pages
2008: 798 total pages, 607 of them ads
2007: 840 pages, 727 of them ads
2006: 754 pages, with 625 pages of ads

They should have made up for this with tons of articles to make September 2009 the thickest issue, content-wise, ever! We'll see when I get my September issue in the mail! On the brighter side, maybe with the documentary out, magazine sales will make up for lost revenue ads.

In the meantime, vanishing ads notwithstanding, let's see how Anna and her editorial team "create this must-have bible of fashion", as the synopsis of the documentary puts it. When I do get the chance to watch this, I promise to write about The September Issue here at MFO and for The Radar! ;)

Fellow Voguettes, remember,"September is the January in Fashion!". Here's the trailer. Enjoy!


Eubelle said...

oh tita trina, please say YES!

celine said...

I can't skip work for it but we can watch right after! Pleeeeeeeaaaaase??? :-)

k said...

i really hope they show september here in the phil.

Anonymous said...

wow! THAT is her office chair? well maybe she's out most of the time so it probably would not matter. still, i was surprised.

cd_mfo said...

Thanks for the support Belle! Heehee!

Pwede after Cel!!! Game!

I hope so too k!

Maybe it's some mad ass expensive antique chair?! Anna is Anna =)

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