Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Look Who Got Quoted in Racked NY

Ahhh! The power of Twitter! I just realized, it's so Pinoy of me to think of locations in terms of landmarks instead of gridlines the way true New Yorkers do. Hahaha!

Hey, since we are on the subject, follow me on Twitter!

Here's the actual post on Racked.


celine said...

I'm still completely befuddled by how Twitter works, but I am loving it. Thanks for the tip Tin! I'll try to check it out tomorrow after work ;-)

marian said...

darling thank you for this feature and im utterly addicted to twitter! sigh ... :)

cd_mfo said...

Did you get to check it out Cel?!

I'll add you up in Twitter too Marian!

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